Top 5 Fitness Vloggers in India

Top 5 Fitness Vloggers in India

1. Yash Sharma is a famous Indian YouTube Fitness Vlogger, FitnessCoach, Author & Entrepreneur. His channel name is Yash Sharma Fitness. He is also 

the founder of the Indian fitness brand 1RM. He has 10+ years of experience in 

strength training and has done some incredible body transformations.


2. saket Gokhale is an Indian Social Media Fitness Influencer. He has his

 YouTube channel named Saket Ghokale. He makes very informative videos 

related to health and fitness. He pursue fitness as his hobby and wants to become

 a Japanese teacher.

3. Abhishek Yadav is a Professional Bodybuilder Athlete. He has

participated in many bodybuilding competitions. He also has a YouTube

channel named Abhishek Yadav, where he posts about his lifestyle and prep

journey. This guy does extreme transformations and maintains a good level of

conditioning on his body.

4. Yash Anand is a very popular Fitness Enthusiast. He is known for his natural body transformation from a lean ectomorph body type to a

muscular one. He encourages youth to have a fit lifestyle. This guy has his own 

YouTube channel named Yash Anand. He shares his workout and lifestyle updates 

on his channel.

5. Siddhant Rai Sikand is an upcoming Fitness icon and a certified coach. He

does informative fitness-related vlogs on his YouTube channel named Siddhant 

Rai Sikand. He has a very famous 90-day transformation journey video on his 

YouTube channel and also a very popular EVOLVE series.    

The choices are not according to any records or statistics. These are only based on my personal preferences. Hope you may like it.
